The Income Energy Product: A More Meaningful Way to Assess the Value of Your Job Articles, Future of Work, Time Management, Time OffMax FrenzelAugust 12, 2021Work, Future of Work, Productivity, Flow, Creativity, MoneyComment
Universal Basic Income, Degrowth, and the Future of Work Articles, Creativity, Philosophy, Time Off, Future of WorkMax FrenzelJuly 27, 2021Future of Work, Degrowth, Universal Basic Income, Work, Leisure, Noble Leisure, Personal GrowthComment
Next Level Art and the Future of Work and Leisure AI, Deep Learning, Creativity, Time OffMax FrenzelJuly 2, 2019Art, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Deep Learning, Work, Future of Work, Leisure, Time Off, Mario Klingemann, Memo Akten, Tom White, Generative Art, Qosmo Comment