Talks, Press, Etc.
A SELECTION OF talks I’ve given and other media
School for Good Living Podcast
I had a wonderful discussion with Brilliant Miller about Time Off, book publishing, the meaning of life, and much more.
Financial Times Article
Time Off was featured in the Financial Times article “Make time to rest or the world will steal it from you”.
The Disconnect Disconnect
John and I recently collaborated with Deloitte on this article about the disconnect between needing rest and actually taking it.
Glug Tokyo
Glug Tokyo hosted a panel discussion with me and several other Japan based authors on book publishing and marketing.
Tech Talks Daily Podcast
How to be more creative and human in the age of AI? I talked with Neil C. Hughes about this and other topics on his daily podcast.
The Culture Factor Podcast
Culture eats strategy for breakfast! John and I joined Holly Shannon on The Culture Factor to discuss how leaders should embrace Time Off to build better, more productive, and more innovative company cultures.
Fast Company Article
How do you make the most of a day off? In this article for Fast Company John and I share some tips also talk about why a "rest ethic" is just as important as a work ethic.
Gamma Festival 2020
John and I gave a talk at Gamma Festival in St. Petersburg as part of the festival’s conference programme, Gamma PRO.
Thrive Global Interview
Arianna Huffington and her company Thrive Global have been a huge inspiration for us while writing Time Off, and we share very similar values. So. we were very happy to do an interview with Thrive Global about the writing process.
The Nonnative Creative Podcast
I talked with Alisha Ivelich about my journey of coming to Japan, and how I came to work at the intersection of science/tech and creativity and ultimately ended up writing Time Off.
BrainShape Podcast
I spoke with Dr. Andrea Wilkinson on her podcast about creativity and what adults can learn from children at play.
Sup, Babe? Podcast
DJ and entrepreneur Nicole Rosé had me on her podcast to chat about how to cancel hustle culture and develop a solid rest ethic.
The Creative Penn Podcast
Author and entrepreneur Joanna Penn and I had a great chat about Creativity, AI and its impact on creativity and especially writing and publishing, and Time Off.
The Goal Achievement Podcast
I spoke with Matt East, one of the world's leading productivity experts, about Time Off and how rest and leisure are key to your creativity and productivity. Check out our chat, Matt is a wonderful host, and he's also helped me as a coach while working on the final stages of the book.
PechaKucha Techs in the City
My talk on “Boosting creativity using AI” at Techs in the City, co-organised by PechKucha 20x20 and the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan.
Better Humans Podcast
I was a guest on the Better Humans Podcast to discuss my article “Using Incubation to Unlock Your True Creative Potential” and talked about lots of things ranging from ancient philosophy to our current busyness addiction and the need for a rest ethic.
Work. Life. Balance. Podcast
John and I talk about Time Off, workplace culture, and why we should all go fishing for epiphanies more often.
SciPy Japan 2019
I gave a talk at SciPy Japan on “Next-Level Art: Becoming More Creative with AI”. See a video of the full talk below.
Nikkei AI SUM 2019
I gave a talk at Nikkei’s AI SUM 2019 event in the session on “AI & Multimedia: Creative Machines”.
NVDIA GTC Japan 2018
I gave a talk at NVIDIA’s GPU Technology Conference on “Variational Autoencoders for NLP – Particular Difficulties, Recent Solutions, and Practical Applications”. See a video of the full talk below.